“If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not you can cut it down.” From the parable of the fig tree, part of today’s Gospel in Luke 13:1-9.
“Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the Coronavirus outbreak 2020.
Pontius Pilate was the particularly unpopular and brutal Governor of Judea who, in today’s Gospel, has activated state-sanctioned violence by having Galilean pilgrims slaughtered in the Temple, where their blood has mingled with that of the animals being sacrificed. Perhaps he feared a riot, but it makes Jerusalem a particularly dangerous place for any pilgrims. A tower in Siloam, a small area of the city to the South of the Temple, has also accidentally collapsed and eighteen people have been killed. The city is in turmoil and Jesus is making his way there from Galilee, followed by large crowds, so some of those present try to warn him not to go. However, Jesus tells them that the Galileans who died weren’t targeted because they were more sinful than others and urges repentance while there is still time. He also suggests that those who were killed by the falling tower were also not singled out – building accidents happen for all sorts of reasons. For the second time, Jesus suggests that the need for repentance is urgent and that all will perish unless this happens. That, however, contrasts with the parable he then tells of the fig tree.
Fig trees were often grown in vineyards as they were good for the grapes but this particular tree hasn’t had fruit although its owner expected it to. He complains to the gardener that, for three years, it has produced nothing and is a waste of the space and soil, telling him to cut it down. However, the gardener suggests leaving it for one more year, tending it and using manure in the hope it will bear fruit. If not, it can then be cut down. Jesus does not mention the outcome – will it fruit or not?
These situations are true for us in the times in which we are living. There are many examples of state-activated terror, historical and ongoing, just as accidental death, injury and illness is also still as issue. Today is the fifth anniversary of the start of lockdown in the UK, a designated day of reflection to remember those who died in the Covid-19 pandemic when so many lives were cut short and so many families and friends were left devastated because they couldn’t be with their loved ones as they died. The pandemic killed many before their time, leaving others traumatised by what happened and the long-term consequences of health issues, isolation or loss. It’s said that there may be another pandemic on its way, that world war three may be imminent and that time is running out as climate change and pollution takes its toll on the planet. Whatever is in the pipeline, time needs to be used while we have it and can’t be taken for granted as unexpected events intervene and deprive us of it. ‘Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him,’ wrote Charles Dickens in David Copperfield‘ – yetsome situations require time, care and a second chance. Was the fig tree barren or were its circumstances preventing it from being fruitful? The gardener suggests one more year – but the axe will be put in if it doesn’t then produce.
What are the things around us that need urgent attention and response? Are there situations where time and care may make a difference? Or are we taking time for granted? How are we bearing fruit in God’s world today? For these are not just our decisions – it’s up to the gardener too. Today’s the day – but for doing what?!
With my prayers; pob bendith,
Christine, Guardian.