Third Sunday of Lent and the fifth anniversary of Covid lockdown in the UK.

“If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not you can cut it down.” From the parable of the fig tree, part of today’s Gospel in Luke 13:1-9.

“Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the Coronavirus outbreak 2020. 

Pontius Pilate was the particularly unpopular and brutal Governor of Judea who, in today’s Gospel, has activated state-sanctioned violence by having Galilean pilgrims slaughtered in the Temple, where their blood has mingled with that of the animals being sacrificed. Perhaps he feared a riot, but it makes Jerusalem a particularly dangerous place for any pilgrims. A tower in Siloam, a small area of the city to the South of the Temple, has also accidentally collapsed and eighteen people have been killed. The city is in turmoil and Jesus is making his way there from Galilee, followed by large crowds, so some of those present try to warn him not to go. However, Jesus tells them that the Galileans who died weren’t targeted because they were more sinful than others and urges repentance while there is still time. He also suggests that those who were killed by the falling tower were also not singled out – building accidents happen for all sorts of reasons. For the second time, Jesus suggests that the need for repentance is urgent and that all will perish unless this happens. That, however, contrasts with the parable he then tells of the fig tree.

Fig trees were often grown in vineyards as they were good for the grapes but this particular tree hasn’t had fruit although its owner expected it to. He complains to the gardener that, for three years, it has produced nothing and is a waste of the space and soil, telling him to cut it down. However, the gardener suggests leaving it for one more year, tending it and using manure in the hope it will bear fruit. If not, it can then be cut down. Jesus does not mention the outcome – will it fruit or not?

These situations are true for us in the times in which we are living. There are many examples of state-activated terror, historical and ongoing, just as accidental death, injury and illness is also still as issue. Today is the fifth anniversary of the start of lockdown in the UK, a designated day of reflection to remember those who died in the Covid-19 pandemic when so many lives were cut short and so many families and friends were left devastated because they couldn’t be with their loved ones as they died. The pandemic killed many before their time, leaving others traumatised by what happened and the long-term consequences of health issues, isolation or loss. It’s said that there may be another pandemic on its way, that world war three may be imminent and that time is running out as climate change and pollution takes its toll on the planet. Whatever is in the pipeline, time needs to be used while we have it and can’t be taken for granted as unexpected events intervene and deprive us of it. ‘Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him,’ wrote Charles Dickens in David Copperfield – yetsome situations require time, care and a second chance. Was the fig tree barren or were its circumstances preventing it from being fruitful? The gardener suggests one more year – but the axe will be put in if it doesn’t then produce. 

What are the things around us that need urgent attention and response? Are there situations where time and care may make a difference? Or are we taking time for granted? How are we bearing fruit in God’s world today? For these are not just our decisions – it’s up to the gardener too. Today’s the day – but for doing what?!

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Guardian.

Second Sunday of Lent and the city of peace.

“You will not see me until the time comes.” Jesus, in Luke 13:31-35.

“Be a tail to lions rather than a head to foxes.” A saying from the Mishnah. 

In today’s Gospel, Jesus has been journeying from Galilee towards Jerusalem, preaching, teaching, casting out demons and healing as he goes. Earlier in his Gospel, (12:1) Luke states that thousands of people came to hear him and, as his influence was increasing, so that of the Pharisees was beginning to diminish. When they came to him and warned Jesus that he must leave because Herod Antipas wanted to kill him, it may be that there were genuine concerns for his safety as some of the Pharisees were not dismissive of Jesus. However, Herod was tetrarch of Galilee and Perea and, as Jesus was moving away from Herod’s jurisdiction, there may have been no need for such a warning at all. Whatever the case, Jesus insists that he has work to do and that he must be on his way, calling Herod a fox in the process. That was not very diplomatic of him, but it pierced through the politicking that was going on because Jesus is making his way to Jerusalem – which was probably why the religious people of his day wanted him gone as so many people were following him. 

As a tretrarch, Herod Antipas was one of four governors, each in charge of one quarter of the province. As such, the Pharisees tried to use his authority, which did not apply in Jerusalem, by mixing religion with political power to deal with Jesus. Jesus will have none of it, however, but mentions the prophets and those who have been killed and stoned in Jerusalem. He uses the image of a mother hen gathering her chicks protectively under her wings but recognises that this will not happen in Jerusalem and so he goes on his way, resolved to continue with his work and calling.

Hens are often taken by foxes for food, and in calling Herod Antipas a fox, it may seem that Jesus is conjuring up the wily image of a man of stealth and cunning. In the rabbinic tradition, however, great men are often called lions whilst the term ‘fox’ was used of a lesser man. A saying from the Mishnah, the record of rabbinic teaching, says, “Be a tail to lions rather than a head to foxes” and the fox is regarded as an unclean animal in Judaism. Herod was a puppet ruler, put into power by Caesar Augustus, and had unfortunately built Tiberius, a new capital city, on top of an old Jewish cemetery. This was unacceptable to Jews, as was his second marriage to a woman who was both his sister in law and his niece. Herod also had John the Baptist killed and allowed his daughter, Salome, to dance in public which was shocking for many. It led to him being considered unrighteous and unfit to rule. So, although the Pharisees may not have been honest with Jesus, they disliked Herod even more and Jesus slips away ‘until the time comes’ for him to enter Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is the city of peace but, now as then, is not at peace. In the midst of the warfare, bloodshed and tensions in the Middle East and elsewhere there are still many examples of rulers who misuse authority and may be considered to be controversial in their use of power or weak leaders like Herod Antipas. As Lent continues, that may apply to us, too – for what has the time not yet come and, when Jesus comes to enter the gate that is supposed to be a place of peace not only in the city but in our own hearts too, will we welcome him?

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

First Sunday of Lent – Temptation, testing and power. 

‘Jesus was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.’ From Luke 4:1-11.

“Opportunity may knock only once but temptation leans on the doorbell.”

Oprah Winfrey. 

You may have heard the story of the frustrated motorist who had a pressing appointment to keep but couldn’t find anywhere to park. Eventually, he left a note on the dashboard saying that he’d been round the site 20 times but couldn’t find a space. The note ended with “Forgive us our trespasses”, part of the Lord’s Prayer. On return, he found a reply saying that the traffic warden had been round the area for 20 years and was obliged to issue a parking ticket as their job would otherwise be at risk. The reply also ended with a phrase from the Lord’s Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation.”

It was Oscar Wilde who said that he could resist anything except temptation but today’s Gospel is about the temptations facing Jesus in the wilderness, so perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised when temptation comes our way as it did his.

The word temptation usually has a negative meaning in English but in Hebrew it can also mean testing. Coming after his baptism, there are different accounts in Matthew, Mark and Luke of Jesus’ time in the wilderness but all three Gospels say that the Spirit led him there. Although Mark just gives a brief reference to what happens, Matthew and Luke both give details of the scripture Jesus uses in his experience – but scripture is also used in part of the temptation. Psalm 91, (v11 and 12) is quoted whereas Jesus’ references are all from Deuteronomy and the wilderness experience of the Israelites after the Exodus from Egypt.

Luke’s account takes place in the wilderness and Jerusalem, the centre of power and worship for Jews. The wilderness was a location in Southern Israel – between the Mediterranean and the actual desert – where scrub would grow for animals to eat when there had been plentiful rain. As such, it could sustain life and provide food at times and, as Luke says that Jesus was not just hungry but famished, it’s not surprising that the first temptation is for him to abuse his power to provide food for himself. That’s followed by the suggestion that Jesus could gain authority over the kingdoms of the world and then also prove who he is by throwing himself from the Temple pinnacle for angels to rescue him in response to the temptations to respond to the taunts if you are the Son of God. As that word can also be translated as since you are the Son of God, this is subtle but Jesus responds by constantly affirming that it is God on whom he depends and so he eventually overcomes the spiritual battle being waged. What begins as temptation to abuse his power becomes a time of testing which Jesus does not fail – yet what sustained him was scripture from a time of great trial.

During their lengthy time in the wilderness, the Israelites spent a long time moaning and complaining about what was happening to them but their story of human weakness was one which later enabled Jesus to survive the challenges he had to endure. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness whereas Melangell, it’s thought, spent 10 or 15 solitary years in this beautiful but challenging valley, foraging for what food and shelter she could find, before her encounter with Brochwel. She found the courage to resist the temptation to give in to what others expected of her, saying no to both her father and Brochwel, but was found in prayer when the hare ran to her. Wrestling as she must have done with the change from her previously fortunate lifestyle and the reality of leaving her family in the way she did, clearly these experiences and the valley itself had become for her a place of spiritual preparation and strengthening for what was to come, unknown though that was. Her legacy lives on in this place of sanctuary, healing, hospitality and peace just as we in our turn will bequeathe the outcome of the priorities in our own lives and situations  to those who come after us. Just as the actual wilderness may become fruitful when the abundant rains fall, so a time of testing enabled Melangell to become the saintly woman whose example has sustained pilgrims here down the years.

The same is so for us. We don’t know what lies ahead but the example of both Jesus and Melangell shows us that temptation can be overcome and that a time of testing may strengthen our relationship with God through prayer and care for those in need. Perhaps there are times for us when we have not been able to overcome temptation – but is it possible that spiritual growth came later as a result of what was learned through it? Lent is a time for asking difficult questions of ourselves and those around us and it’s clear in what’s happening in the leadership of our world today that the abuse of power can still be an ongoing issue. Jesus looked to the testing example of the Israelites and quoted from their story – whose example might sustain us today and what particular passages of scripture might we use to strengthen resolve in or after a time of temptation or self-indulgence? Or is that too testing a question?!

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

The Sunday before Lent: Transfiguration Sunday

‘While Jesus was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.’ From Luke 9:28-36.

‘Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.’ The Doxology. 

The voice of God is heard in today’s Gospel, one of only three times this happens in the New Testament with the other occasions being at Jesus’ baptism and before his crucifixion in John 12. It happens as Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a mountain with him to pray and, as he does, the appearance of his face changes, Jesus’ clothes become dazzlingly white and Moses and Elijah appear with him, representing the Law and the Prophets. Moses’ face had also shone with reflected light when he spent time in prayer on Mount Sinai and was given the commandments but Moses and Elijah being there with the glorified Jesus reinforces that he is the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets, the Messiah.

All three speak of Jesus’ forthcoming departure, or exodus, at Jerusalem but despite this astounding event, and the appearance of two long-dead people, the disciples struggle to stay awake as was to happen later in the Garden of Gethsemane. However, as Moses and Elijah leave, Peter suggests making three places to mark what has happened but a cloud overshadows them and the disciples become terrified. This is when God’s voice is heard, telling them that Jesus is his Son, the Chosen, and they must listen to him. The disciples keep silence and Luke says that they say nothing of this to anyone ‘in those days’ – perhaps greater understanding only came later, after the resurrection?

Perhaps the same is true for us at times, too? It may only be much later that we begin to understand what God has been asking of us or why events have unfolded as they did. Not all the disciples were taken by Jesus to the mountain and even those chosen struggled to understand and became terrified so if, at times, we face a cloud of uncertainty or unknowing and become scared about what is happening, perhaps we should not be too surprised. There is so much that disfigures our world and lives today that it may help to focus on the transfiguration and what happened to those who figure in it including those terrified disciples. Hope may then be rekindled, as Malcom Guite suggests:

For that one moment, ‘in and out of time’, 

On that one mountain where all moments meet,

The daily veil that covers the sublime

In darkling glass fell dazzled at his feet….

The Love that dances at the heart of things 

shone out upon us from a human face

And to that light the light in us leaped up.

We felt it quicken somewhere deep within,

A sudden blaze of long-extinguished hope….

Nor can this blackened sky, this darkened scar

Eclipse that glimpse of how things really are. 

From ‘Transfiguration’ in Sounding the Seasons, published by Canterbury Press.

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

Reflection for the Second Sunday before Lent, Creation Sunday.

Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” From today’s Gospel, Luke 8:22-25.

‘Storms make the oak grow deeper roots.’ George Herbert.

Perhaps the best bit of advice I was given when I came to this valley eight years ago was to keep a good store cupboard as the weather here can be so unpredictable, causing damage and power cuts accordingly. Recently, some of the storms have been horrendous with winds strong enough to uproot trees and one power cut lasting 32 hours. A good store cupboard has been vital with being so far away from a supermarket and in case of blocked roads or landslides – tins of baked beans, canned tomatoes and a good torch or candles have been helpful with a camping stove and thermos flask now enabling hot food and drinks until the power returns. Being ready in case a storm springs up means that, like my neighbours, I can be prepared for various possibilities. 

That’s why what happens in today’s Gospel is so surprising. Jesus is in a boat with his disciples and he wants them to go to the other side of the lake. The Sea of Galilee is 13 miles long and 8 miles wide with surrounding hills which act like a funnel – violent storms can very quickly spring up. However, amongst the disciples are experienced fishermen who would know of this possibility and could also be prepared for it. Yet, when the wind picks up, the boat starts to fill with water and it gets dangerous, it doesn’t seem as if anyone is taking control. No orders are given to overcome the situation and, instead, the disciples go to their exhausted leader who is asleep in the boat despite the storm and shout at him that they are perishing. When Jesus takes action and calm results he holds the Creator and the created together, causing the disciples to ask one another, “Who is this, that he commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him?”

This Creation Sunday, it’s a reminder to us that, like those first disciples, we can also face sudden or unexpected storms as well as joys too. Just as Jesus calmed the storm and fear of those first disciples, the same can be true for us, too, although we may also feel that nothing is happening as quickly as we want it to. Jesus chides the disciples for their lack of faith and perhaps the same is true for us as we consider the stormy waters being faced with so many issues in our lives and world today.

Perhaps it may be appropriate to consider the words of Grover Cleveland who in turbulent times  suggested that, “The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board.” His words seem appropriate today with recent national and international developments – but Grover Cleveland was the 22nd President of the United States from 1885 to 1889 and the 24th President from 1893 to 1897. He was as concerned about democracy then as some are now and if stormy waters were creating mutiny then, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that this is still happening today.

Where, then, is our faith as we also ponder who Jesus is and what storms we and the created world in which we live are facing? Are we prepared for them and will we take action or do we expect Jesus to come to our rescue while we just panic like those first disciples? What is being created in our lives this Creation Sunday?

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

Third Sunday before Lent – The Beatitudes.

“Blessed are you…. Rejoice in that day.” Jesus, in Luke 6:17-26.

“Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.” Groucho Marx. 

Today’s Gospel has a similar account in Matthew, the sermon on the Mount, which emphasises that the teaching in it came down from God. Luke’s occurs on a plain, often linked with ordinary events as well as suffering, death, hunger and being unable to rise up. It happens just after Jesus has chosen twelve of his disciples to be apostles, those sent out, and he has not chosen scholars or educated men who can take on the religious leaders of the day. Amongst the apostles are fishermen, working people, a tax collector and even a former social agitator – all of them people who have left the familiar behind to follow Jesus. Luke writes that a great crowd of disciples was present as well as a multitude of people from Judaea, Jerusalem, Tyre and Sidon – clearly, people want to hear what Jesus has to say and are willing to travel a long way to do so.

In his version, Matthew (5:3-12) has nine beatitudes whereas Luke has four, which are followed by four woes. Surrounded as he is by people hungry for his teaching, Jesus speaks of God’s love for the poor, the hungry, the sad and those who are hated, excluded, reviled or defamed. He calls them blessed – not because they are in this state but because they have only God to trust and are dear to him. Their reward will be great in heaven, says Jesus, whereas the rich, the full, those laughing and those acclaimed by others now have choices which may mean that they don’t need God and so may not seek or find him. Jesus warns them of the woe to come and of being distracted by false prophets rather than listening to the word of God. 

Jesus’ words then are appropriate today as we consider the similarities and priorities of our own lives and the world we live in today. On All Saints’ Day in 2016, Pope Francis suggested six ‘modern Beatitudes‘ for our times:

1. Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others and forgive them from their heart.

2. Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalised and show them their closeness.

3. Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover Him.

4. Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home.

5. Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others.

6. Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians. 

Today, I would add a humorous seventh: Blessed are those who are loving to the dog that has, overnight, chewed their iPad charger into five pieces and been sick!

What Beatitudes are appropriate for 2025? As we consider our own situations, where are the blessings and what makes us woeful? How might that enable us to change our priorities and reach out to others, that woes may be transformed, blessings increased and God’s will be done on earth as in heaven?

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

Reflection for the Fourth Sunday before Lent – Racial Justice Sunday.

“If you say so, I will.” Simon Peter in Luke 5:1-11, today’s Gospel.

To help others belong ‘requires reciprocation…. It is about allowing newcomers to affect you on your native soil, to change you.’ From Dina Nayeri’s ‘The ungrateful refugee’.

Today’s Gospel reading is the extraordinary encounter between Jesus and Simon Peter, the fisherman. Jesus has been talking with the crowds following him beside the Sea of Galilee and the throng is so great that the crowd is pressing in on him. So, seeing the fishermen washing their nets after an unsuccessful night, Jesus gets into Simon’s boat and asks him to put out a little way from the shore so that the crowds can see and hear him more clearly. When he’s finished teaching them, Jesus tells Simon to put out into deep water and lower the nets for a catch. At this, Simon protests that they have worked all night and caught nothing – it must have been exasperating for him, as a professional, to be told what to do by someone who has never worked in this way. Not only would he get his cleaned nets dirty again, the fish would be sheltering in the shade or under rocks in the heat of the day and the likelihood of a catch was low. It didn’t make sense to him – but, nevertheless, he does as Jesus suggests and replies, “If you say so, I will…” The catch of fish is then so great that the nets begin to break and Simon has  to ask his partners James and John in the other boat to come and help them as they begin to sink with its weight.

The fact that Jesus tells him to lower the net in deep water would mean that there would be plenty of fish there avoiding the heat of the day and so Jesus does know what he’s talking about. It has a profound effect on Simon, who immediately falls on his knees confessing that he is a sinner because his own efforts have come to nothing. He, James and John then leave everything, despite the catch, and follow Jesus after being told not to be afraid and that they will henceforth be catching people rather than fish.

What happens immediately changes their behaviour. The fishermen don’t even stop to count or unload their valuable catch – they simply leave it all behind and follow him. Perhaps there were others who would finish this for them, and perhaps their families would be glad of this financial benefit – for how will they now manage without them? But it seems that what has happened makes these fishermen realise that Jesus will provide for their needs no matter how unlikely it may seem so, “they left everything.”

There may be times for all of us when circumstances suddenly change profoundly and drastically transform our lives, thinking or actions. As with Simon Peter, it may be for the good but, as in Southport when three children were killed and others stabbed by a teenager, this may also have drastic negative consequences. In Southport, deliberate and false rumours in the media lead to some of the worst racial unrest seen in recent years in the UK and, although some communities gathered in support and to repair the damage, uncertainty in the Middle East and elsewhere has lead to renewed religious and racial conflict as well as fear in many places.

In these uncertain times, Isaiah’s call that God’s “house will  be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7) is timely for Racial Justice Sunday today, founded in 1995 after the racial killing of Stephen Lawrence. The findings of the MacPherson enquiry arising from this explored institutional racism and gave three examples of it: the colour blind approach where people claim not to notice colour but don’t then respond to particular needs; the stereotypical approach where the needs of others are assumed without verifying what they are actually are; the saying, “We’ve always done it this way,” as a reason for resisting change. 

Perhaps these comments apply to our responses too? For there are sometimes occasions when someone suggests we do something we find hard, like Simon Peter, and it may be easy to dismiss them accordingly with similar reactions. Might it be that, in doing so, we dismiss the voice of Jesus, too? How often do we respond, as Simon did, “If you say so, I will” and discover where that could lead to? We’re asked this more often that may be realised, implied as it is in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” What kind of kingdom and society are we building and whose will is being done? 

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.

Reflection for the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and weather forecasting.

“For mine eyes have seen your salvation…a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” Simeon in Luke 2:22-40.

‘If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, winter will have a second flight.

If Candlemas Day be dull with rain, winter will not come again.’ Folkloric rhyme, said to predict the coming weather with greater accuracy than Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog in Philadelphia. His annual forecast on this day, made by seeing whether or not his shadow is visible as he leaves his burrow, is said to be only 35% correct!

Today’s Gospel reading of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple at Jerusalem is one of the few stories from the childhood of Jesus, about which little is known. Jesus was brought to the Temple because, being born a Jew, he and his parents were subject to the law of Moses set out in Leviticus 12, it being forty days since his birth. According to the custom of the day, Mary was considered ritually impure until she had been cleansed from childbirth and was not allowed to enter the sanctuary or touch anything holy. Any first-born male child had to be dedicated to the Lord and Jesus’ parents offered a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons for sacrifice, as was the custom. 

They would be amongst many families doing this at the Temple, but faithful Simeon is also present and he realises that this is the child for whom he has been waiting. Simeon prays the words of the Nunc Dimittis, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace” and this canticle is often said at the end of a funeral service as the coffin leaves the church. Anna, a devout woman who never leaves the Temple, also echoes Simeon as she praises God for what is happening and their testimony is a reminder that their great age is no barrier to God’s purposes.

Simeon speaks of Jesus being, “A light to lighten the Gentiles” and so this feast has also become known as Candlemas – traditionally, the yearly supply of candles to be used in worship was brought to the altar to be blessed at this time. It also coincides with the return of the light as winter begins to give way and the first signs heralding spring start to appear. Not least of these signs is the snowdrop, known as Nature’s Candles before the head of the flower drops down. It’s a plant which can withstand the cold due to the pointed leaves being able to pierce through the snow or frost with their sap containing a natural antifreeze that prevents ice crystals forming. They are often the first signs of new life after the dearth of winter and, traditionally, three are picked and brought into the family, church or house to symbolise light, hope and love also being renewed. Three are in the church, centre and home here. 

Following the ancient heritage of cleansing, the churching of women used to be a regular custom but nowadays there are different attitudes to childbirth and it is not sought so much, although it is still available if wanted. However, one of the challenges surrounding the ordination of the first women priests was that of ‘tainted’ altars or hands when a bishop laid hands on their head as they were ordained or if they had celebrated at an altar where traditional views that clergy had always been male and should remain so were held. It was also an issue for some if a female priest was thought to be menstruating as well as questions such as whether, if pregnant, the unborn child was also being ordained through receiving God’s grace whilst in its mother. These issues still remain for some but other headlines in the news are also giving cause for concern that there is a lot that needs cleansing and much to be gloomy about.

So, as the snowdrops reappear, may they bring a sense of renewed light, hope and love where it is needed – whatever the weather heralds, whether according to the rhyme for Candlemas Day or Punxsutawney Phil’s forecast this Groundhog Day, February 2nd!

With my prayers, pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.