for Thursday, 16th July, 2020


ar gyfer dydd Iau, 16 Gorffennaf 2020

One of the gifts of the Spirit acknowledged in Scripture, and very active in the life of the both the Old and New Testaments, is the gift of Prophecy. One of the prophets, Joel, told us to expect a lot more of it. He wrote: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your youth will see visions, your elderly will dream dreams.”, and when Pentecost came, the apostles told us that in the life of the Church, we were to see this scripture being fulfilled. So where is prophecy today?

Un o roddion yr Ysbryd, sy’n cael ei gydnabod yn yr Ysgrythur, ac sy’n rhan amlwg iawn ym mywyd yr Hen Destament a’r Testament newydd, yw’r rhodd o Broffwydoliaeth. Dywedodd un o’r Proffwydi, Joel, y dylen ni ddisgwyl llawer mwy ohono. Ysgrifennodd: “Ar ôl hyn” meddai Duw, “tywalltaf fy ysbryd ar bob dyn. Bydd eich meibion a’ch merched yn proffwydo, bydd eich hynafgwyr yn gweld breuddwydion a’ch gwŷr ifanc yn cael gweledigaethau”, a phan ddaeth y Sulgwyn, dywedodd yr apostolion wrthym ni y byddwn ni, ym mywyd yr Eglwys, yn gweld yr ysgrythurau’n cael eu gwireddu. Felly, ble mae proffwydoliaeth heddiw?

I think that there are two things to help us to recognise prophecy in its biblical understanding. First, is that it is less to do with predicting the future, and more about speaking about the consequences of what God is saying to the world now. I’ve seen shelves of bookshops filled with “the Prophecies of Nostradamus” which are nothing to do with true prophecy, which is designed to bring home to us the truths that God is summoning us to obey. It is, as someone put it, “reading the signs of the times”.

Rwy’n meddwl fod yna ddau beth allai’n helpu i sylweddoli beth yw proffwydoliaeth yn ôl dealltwriaeth feiblaidd. Yn gyntaf, nid yw gymaint ynghylch proffwydo’r dyfodol ag yw ynghylch dangos canlyniadau’r hyn y mae Duw’n ei ddweud wrth y byd sydd ohoni. Rwy wedi gweld silffoedd mewn siopau llyfrau’n gwegian o dan ‘Broffwydoliaethau Nostradamus” nad oes â wnelon nhw ddim â gwir broffwydoliaeth, sef y gwirioneddau y mae Duw’n ein gwysio ni i’w hufuddhau. Hynny yw, fel y dywedodd rhywun “darllen arwyddion yr amserau”.

Second, it is highly political. So many people get prickly when Church leaders speak into political situations, and tell us to mind our own business, when in truth I think they mean that they’d like religion to be locked away from grubby realities, separated from truths they’d prefer not to have to face. The Prophets in the Bible – all of them, including Jesus – spoke the truth to the rich and powerful of the day, and often provoked just that negative response: how dare you? It’s why so many of them were killed.

Yn ail, mae’n hynod wleidyddol. Mae cymaint o bobl yn mynd yn bigog pan fydd arweinwyr yr Eglwys yn trafod sefyllfaoedd gwleidyddol, yn dweud wrthym ni am fendio’n busnes, sef, mewn gwirionedd, rwy’n meddwl eu bod eisiau gweld crefydd yn cael ei neillto oddi wrth realiti brwnt, oddi wrth y gwirioneddau y byddai’n well ganddyn nhw beidio â’u hwynebu. Roedd y Proffwydi yn y Beibl – pob un, gan gynnwys Iesu – yn dweud y gwir wrth bobl gyfoethog a phobl rymus y cyfnod, ac yn aml yn cael yr union ymateb negyddol hwnnw: paid â meiddio. Dyna pam y cafodd cymaint ohonyn nhw eu lladd.

So where is prophecy today? Some Christians look for something thrilling to come out of ecstatic worship, but I think that prophecy occurs when faith and wisdom go hand in hand: the wisdom to perceive how God is challenging us now. And there are many prophets among us – one such is John Bell, of the Iona Community. A couple of weeks ago he spoke during BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship, and I felt that in what he said then he was being prophetic, asking what were the consequences of our Christian belief, and demonstrating how they must impact on the way we build our world. Here is some of what he had to say:

“If we believe, as Jesus says, ‘you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free’, do we want children in the future to be as ignorant of the past as many or most of us adults have been? I mean, I had to wait until I was fifty to discover that Scotland had owned a third of the slave plantations in Jamaica, and that the Victorian opulence of Glasgow and other British cities was the result of the trans-Atlantic transport of enslaved Africans, tacitly condoned by Christian churches. Do we have to wait for statues to be toppled before we own our past?

“If we believe that Jesus declared there is good news for the poor, and if we know that poverty has grown in our nation, and that people living in poor neighbourhoods are far more likely to die from Covid 19 than the wealthy, are we prepared to identify the root causes, and to treat those who are economically disadvantaged with dignity in the future? Or do we have to pray for another sporting personality or stage celebrity to name an injustice before it is rectified?

“If we believe that God loves the world, and we know that, in the world God loves, everything from the Australian coral reef to the Amazon rain forest to the Arctic Pole and even the humble bumble bee are all threatened by human failure to respect the integrity of creation, are we going to continue living so irresponsibly that the children of tomorrow will have to go to museums to see what we regard as commonplace today?

“If we believe that Jesus has mandated his disciples to heal the sick, are we going to live in the expectation that huge pharmaceutical companies and better medical technology will come up with the solutions? Or should we at least consider personal responsibility and preventative rather than responsive medicine?

“If we believe that Jesus cares that prisoners be released, and we know that the causes of crime are very often rooted in childhood trauma or deprivation, are we just going to build more prisons, or look at what can be done to prevent vulnerable people becoming potential offenders?

“And if we believe from the evidence of the gospels, that Jesus spent a hundred times more of his life on issues of healing, teaching, evangelism, and engaging face to face with people, than he ever did on bricks and mortar, are we going to going to shape the future of the church according to his priorities or remain obsessed by the upkeep of buildings and structures some of which have long been obsolete?”

Felly, lle mae proffwydoliaeth heddiw? Mae rhai Cristnogion yn gobeithio gweld rhywbeth cyffrous yn codi o addoli llesmeiriol, ond rwy i’n meddwl fod proffwydoliaeth yn digwydd pan fydd ffydd a doethineb yn cyd-fynd â’i gilydd: y doethineb i allu dirnad sut y mae Duw’n ein herio ni ar hyn o bryd. Ac mae yna lawer o broffwydi yn ein plith – ac un ohonyn nhw yw John Bell o Gymuned Iona. Wythnos neu ddwy yn ôl, roedd yn siarad ar ‘Sunday Worship’ BBC Radio 4 ac roeddwn i’n cael y teimlad fod yr hyn yr oedd yn ei ddweud yn broffwydol, roedd yn gofyn beth oedd canlyniadau ein cred Gristnogol ac yn dangos sut yr oedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw effeithio ar sut ydyn ni’n adeiladu ein byd. Dyma ychydig o’r hyn oedd ganddo i’w ddweud:

“Os ydyn ni’n credu, fel y dywedodd Iesu, ‘cewch wybod y gwirionedd a bydd y gwirionedd yn eich rhyddhau’, ydyn ni eisiau i blant fod mor anwybodus yn y dyfodol ag y mae rhai, os nad y rhan fwyaf ohonon ni, oedolion, wedi bod? Wyddoch chi, roedd yn rhaid i mi ddisgwyl nes fy mod i’n hanner cant cyn darganfod fod yr Alban yn berchen traean o’r ystadau caethweision yn Jamaica, ac mai ffrwyth caethgludo Affricanwyr ar draws yr Atlantig, oedd yn cael ei oddef gan eglwysi Cristnogol, yw ysblander Fictorianaidd Glasgow a dinasoedd eraill Prydain. Oes raid i ni ddisgwyl i gofgolofnau gael eu dymchwel cyn i ni dderbyn cyfrifoldeb am ein gorffennol?

“Os ydyn ni’n credu, fel y dywedodd Iesu, fod yna newyddion da i’r tlodion, ac os ydyn ni’n gwybod fod tlodi ar gynnydd yn ein gwlad, a bod pobl mewn ardaloedd tlawd yn llawer mwy tebyg na rhai o ardaloedd cefnog farw o Covid-19, ydyn ni’n barod i gyfaddef y gwir resymau dros hynny a bod yn barod i drin y tlodion yn ein plith gyda pharch yn y dyfodol? Neu a yw’n well gennyn ni ddisgwyl i bersonoliaeth chwaraeon neu seleb y llwyfan enwi anghyfiawnder cyn y bydd yn cael ei unioni?

“Os ydyn ni’n credu fod Duw’n caru’r byd, ac yn gwybod, yn y byd y mae Duw’n ei garu, bod popeth o riffiau coral Awstralia i fforestydd glaw’r Amazon i Begwn y Gogledd a hyd yn oed y wenynen ddisylw, yn cael eu bygwth gan fethiant pobl i barchu cyfanrwydd y cread, ydyn ni’n mynd i ddal ati i fyw mor anghyfrifol fel y bydd yn rhaid i blant yfory fynd i amgueddfeydd i weld yr hyn rydyn ni’n ei gymryd yn ganiataol heddiw?

“Os ydyn ni’n credu fod Iesu wedi rhoi hawl i’w ddisgyblion iachau’r cleifion, ydyn ni’n mynd i fyw gan ddisgwyl mai gan y cwmnïau ffarmacolegol enfawr a thrwy dechnoleg feddygol well y daw’r atebion? Neu a ddylen ni o leiaf ystyried cyfrifoldeb personol a meddygaeth ataliol yn hytrach nag ymatebol?

“Os ydyn ni’n credu fod ots gan Iesu am ryddhau carcharorion, a’n ninnau’n gwybod yn iawn fod gwreiddiau troseddu yn aml mewn trawma ac amddifadedd plentyndod, ydyn ni’n mynd i fodloni ar adeiladu mwy o garchardai neu a ydyn ni’n mynd i chwilio i weld beth ellir ei wneud i atal pobl fregus rhag dod yn droseddwyr?

“Ac os ydyn ni’n credu tystiolaeth yr efengylau, fod Iesu wedi treulio canwaith mwy o’i fywyd yn iachau, dysgu, efengylu a thrafod wyneb yn wyneb â phobl nag a dreuliodd erioed ar frics a mortar, ydyn ni’n mynd i ffurfio dyfodol ein heglwys yn ol ei flaenoriaethau neu ddal i rygnu am gynnal a chadw adeiladau a strwythurau, rhai y mae wedi eu hoes wedi hen ddod i ben?

This is the stuff of prophecy for me, because John takes fundamental truths that we recognise about God, and applies them quite directly to our responsibility for things that are going on in the world. Some of them, if not all of them, may make us quite uncomfortable – but that is what God does, he wants to move us from where we are, to building, under his guidance and with his grace, the Kingdom of God. The challenge is – what happens next? Jesus often finished his parables with “Let the one who has ears to hear, listen!”, “and”, we might add, “take action.”

Dyma beth yw hanfod proffwydoliaeth i mi, mae John yn gafael yn y gwirioneddau sylfaenol rydyn ni’n eu gwybod am Dduw ac yn eu cymhwyso’n uniongyrchol i ddangos beth yw ein cyfrifoldeb ni ynghylch yr hyn sy’n digwydd yn y byd. Efallai bod rhai, os nad y cyfan, o’r rhain, yn gwneud i ni deimlo’n eithaf anghyfforddus – ond dyna mae Duw’n ei wneud – mae eisiau i ni symud o ble rydyn ni, i adeiladu, o dan ei arweiniad a chyda’i ras, Deyrnas Dduw. Yr her yw – beth sy’n digwydd nesaf? Roedd Iesu’n gorffen ei ddamhegion yn aml gyda “Yr hwn sydd ganddo glustiau i wrando, gwrandawed!, a, gallen ni ychwanegu “a gweithredu”.

I’ve said before that coming out of lockdown would be the time when the lessons of lockdown need to be learned. That moment is now, and how shall we respond to God’s prompting and to the prophecy happening in our midst?

Rwyf wedi dweud o’r blaen mai wrth ddod allan o’r cyfnod clo yw’r adeg i ddysgu gwersi’r cyfnod clo. Yr adeg hynny yw nawr, a sut y byddwn ni’n ymateb i anogaeth Duw ac i’r broffwydoliaeth sy’n digwydd yn ein plith?

Sunday reflection 12th July 2020

Reflection for the fifth Sunday after Trinity 
You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Saviour …..who stilled the roaring of the seas….. and the turmoil of the nations…… the streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain……. 
“A farmer went out to sow” –   Psalm 65: 5,9, St Matthew 13:3

“Confidence is everything. Confidence is key.” – panellist, Any Questions?
Today is Sea Sunday, an appropriate day to consider the voyage of the ark of salvation that is the church, tasked with carrying all aboard safely through the stormy waters of life but having to move in isolated and separate ways as the Coronavirus pandemic continues. There are other voyages to consider, too: those undertaken by seafarers who have continued to  bring food and hard goods into the country as well as PPE for those who need it whilst facing lengthy separation from their families, worry about their welfare and possible quarantine on return as Covid-19 takes its course. Those who protect our shores, face hazardous passage, work on oil rigs in the North Sea, fish the disputed waters or come in lifeboats to help those in distress – we are so dependent on the sea and all who earn their living from it, whether or not we live close to it. 
These particular key workers, often unseen and taken for granted, remind us of the host of those who have continued to work through the ongoing pandemic so that people in need may find the care, support and supplies necessary to them. Public appreciation has often been shown by using a rainbow and it’s sometimes forgotten that this sign of hope is originally the symbol of God’s care and promise to all living things – not just humanity. In Genesis 9, Noah, his family and many animals had to be shielded in the Ark for many weeks whilst many people died in the chaos that overwhelmed the world and it was a dove with olive leaves in its beak – now a symbol of peace – which showed Noah that the floods had receded and the trees were reappearing. His story tells us that, after they all ventured out again, Noah planted a vineyard and got so drunk on its wine that his sons had to rescue him – as so many had died and after so much had been demanded of him, perhaps Noah found it difficult to adjust to the new way of life that was then required. That may apply to us today and, although there is still a great risk and safety procedures are vital, perhaps we shouldn’t be too judgemental about all those who are now rushing to the pubs and beaches after their own time of confinement, mixed emotions and release. Each of us will have to make our own decisions for our own way of life and, as Noah’s story shows that he found it difficult to adjust sensibly, so may many of us.
The above extracts from the psalm and Gospel set for today remind us that, whatever the circumstances of the weather and climate change or the turmoil in the world then or now, there will always need to be farmers or gardeners sowing crops and workers willing to toil on behalf of others if resources are to be gathered, used and shared. That has been shown by so many throughout the pandemic and will continue to be necessary in the days ahead. As well as food, what is being sown is hope, faith and trust – perhaps doubt, worry and other concerns too  – which is why confidence is also key. The word means ‘with trust or faith’ – whether in human nature or the love of God, faith, trust and hope will be much needed in the uncertain passage which still lies before us all, even though we’ve already come so far. The attached photo of a double rainbow seen here after a storm shows that only a part of it was visible at the time, just as we currently only see some and not all of what we may be facing as individuals, communities and nations while restrictions ease still further. But, whatever the circumstances, the rainbow remains a symbol of hope and God’s promise of new beginnings – in whom or what do you have or need confidence today?
With my prayers,
Diocesan prayer for the week

Loving God, we have learned in these times to value the ministry of many whose work was before almost invisible to us, but on which our lives and sustenance depend. In humility we give thanks for the unseen care and labour which maintains our way of life. We pray that our society will value all workers as we should, not merely in words and gestures, but with respect and proper recompense; for it was in the form of a willing servant that Jesus showed his love and care for us. Amen.  Canon Carol Wardman


Update: Churches now have governmental permission to open from 19th July but further guidance is awaited from the Church in Wales and, until then, St Melangell’s remains open for prayer only. Further details will be available when known.
Thank you for your patience.

Diocesan ordinations

Deacons in the Church of God Diaconiaid yn Eglwys Dduw

A Pastoral Letter for the Teulu Asaph, from Bishop Gregory

9th July, 2020

Llythyr Bugeiliol at Deulu Asaph oddi wrth Esgob Gregory

9 Gorffennaf, 2020

Last Saturday, perhaps one of the strangest events in 900 hundred years happened in the Cathedral. In one sense, the cathedral had seen it all before; it was an ordination, joyous, prayerful, focussed on the action of the Holy Spirit. On another level, there could be no physical congregation – everyone present had a necessary part to play in the proceedings – and at one point in the service, everyone present had to don visors, in order to ensure personal protection, as we necessarily had to come within two metres of each other for the laying on of hands. It was both faintly ridiculous and deadly serious at the same time.

Y Sadwrn diwethaf oedd un o’r achlysuron rhyfeddaf mewn 900 mlynedd yn y Gadeirlan. Mewn un ffordd, roedd y gadeirlan wedi gweld y cyfan o’r blaen, ordeiniad, llawen, llawn gweddi, yn canolbwyntio ar waith yr Ysbryd Glân. Ond mewn ffordd arall, doedd dim modd cael presenoldeb cynulleidfa – roedd gan bawb a oedd yn bresennol ran hanfodol i’w chwarae yn y gweithgareddau – ac ar un adeg yn y gwasanaeth roedd yn rhaid i bawb oedd yno wisgo fisorau, amddiffyniad personol, gan fod yn rhaid i ni ddod yn nes na dwy fetr at ein gilydd wrth arddodi dwylo. Roedd braidd yn ddoniol ond yn hollol ddifrifol yr un pryd.

After discussions with the Welsh government, it had been decided that diaconal ordinations could proceed, on the grounds that it was a necessary part of their beginning of ministry, but sadly, our priest candidates will have to wait until the autumn, with the hope of easier times to come.

Ar ôl trafod gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, penderfynwyd y gellid symud ymlaen i ordeinio diaconiaid ar sail fod hynny’n rhan hanfodol o gychwyn gweinidogaeth ond, yn anffodus, bydd yn rhaid i’n hymgeiswyr am yr offeiriadaeth aros tan yr hydref, gan obeithio fod amser gwell o’n blaenau.

So, how did it feel in the cathedral last Saturday? First, surprisingly holy. Our cathedral is a “thin place”, where the barrier between heaven and earth is thin, having been a place of prayer, word and sacrament for nearly a thousand years. The gathering of people in earnest desire of seeing the Lord at work generated a sense of excitement and expectation, a sense that the Spirit was moving in that place.

Felly, sut deimlad oedd yna yn y gadeirlan y Sadwrn diwethaf? Yn gyntaf, rhyfeddol o sanctaidd. Mae ein cadeirlan yn ‘lle tenau’, mae’r ffin yno rhwng nefoedd a daear yn denau, ar ôl bod yn lle o weddi, y gair a’r sagrafennau am bron i fil o flynyddoedd. Roedd gweld pobl wedi dod ynghyd, yn deisyfu o ddifrif gweld yr Arglwydd wrth ei waith, yn codi cynnwrf a disgwyliadau, y teimlad bod yr Ysbryd yn symud yn y lle hwnnw.

Second, it was humbling. Our nine diaconal candidates are so varied: young, old, male, female, married, single, Catholic, and Evangelical. They each bring a story, of different life experiences, of different journeys of faith. There are ways in which for each one the spiritual journey to the Cathedral that day has lasted years, and been challenging, perplexing, inspiring, and transformative in turn. It was humbling as well to know that all nine feel that not only is God calling them to ministry, but that they are ready to invest their ministry in the teulu Asaph. There is something about our Church life that has caught their imagination and makes them keen and enthusiastic to share in our life and witness.

Yn ail, roedd yno ostyngeiddrwydd. Mae ein naw ymgeiswyr am y ddiaconiaeth mor amrywiol: yn ifanc, hen, dynion, merched, priod, Catholig ac Efengylaidd. Mae gan bob un ei stori, gwahanol brofiadau bywyd, gwahanol deithiau ffydd. Mewn gwahanol ffyrdd, roedd taith ysbrydol pob un i’r Eglwys y diwrnod hwnnw wedi parhau am flynyddoedd ac, yn ei thro, wedi bod yn heriol, yn astrus, yn ysbrydoli ac yn drawsffurfiol. Roedd hefyd ostyngeiddrwydd mewn gwybod bod y naw yn teimlo, nid yn unig bod Duw’n eu galw i’r weinidogaeth, ond eu bod yn barod i fuddsoddi eu gweinidogaeth yn nheulu Asaph. Mae yna rywbeth ynghylch bywyd ein Heglwys sydd wedi cydio yn eu dychymyg ac sy’n eu gwneud yn awyddus ac yn frwdfrydig dros rannu yn ein bywyd a’n tystiolaeth.

Third, the cathedral was alive with hope. These nine new ministers are deacons, servants of Jesus Christ, and called to be ambassadors of his love and of the Gospel to the world. God will use their wisdom and insights to bring them alongside people whom they can help. They will bring new life and new perspectives into the life of the teulu Asaph. We are changed by their vocation, and God will do new things through them; things that none of us, themselves included, can yet realise or anticipate.

Yn drydydd, roedd y gadeirlan yn llawn gobaith. Mae’r naw gweinidog newydd yn ddiaconiaid, gweision Iesu Grist, ac yn cael eu galw i fod yn llysgenhadon i’w gariad ac i’w Efengyl yn y byd. Bydd Duw’n defnyddio eu doethineb a’u treiddgarwch i fod gyda phobl y gallan nhw eu helpu. Fe fyddan nhw’n dod â bywyd newydd a safbwyntiau newydd i fywyd teulu Asaph. Rydyn ni’n cael ein newid gan eu galwad, a bydd Duw’n gwneud pethau newydd trwyddyn nhw, pethau nad oes yr un ohonom ni, na hwythau chwaith, hyd yma, yn gallu eu sylweddoli na’u rhagweld.

“O magnify the Lord with me, let us praise his name together.” (Psalm 34.3) I want to thank God for all that he is doing in our midst. These nine are tokens, symbolic of the work that God is doing in our common life, and building our future. I am excited by the potential exhibited in the dedication offered in these lives. I hope that that excitement is shared by all across the diocese. These nine are tokens, and representative of what God is doing in a myriad other ways in our diocese, affirming those already ordained, enabling lay ministries as people offer their own gifting and talents to the work of building God’s Kingdom.

“Mawrygwch yr Arglwydd gyda mi, a dyrchafwn ei enw gyda’n gilydd. (Salmau 34.3). Rwyf eisiau diolch i Dduw am bopeth yn mae’n ei wneud yn ein plith. Arwydd yw’r naw hyn, symbolau o’r gwaith y mae Duw’n ei wneud yn ein bywydau bob dydd, ac wrth adeiladu ein dyfodol. Rwy’n cael fy nghyffroi gan y potensial sy’n cael ei dangos yn yr ymroddiad sy’n cael ei gynnig yn y bywydau hyn. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd pawb ar draws yr esgobaeth yn rhannu’r cyffro. Arwydd yw’r naw hyn, mae’n dangos yr hyn y mae Duw’n ei wneud mewn myrdd o ffyrdd eraill yn ein hesgobaeth, yn cadarnhau’r rhai sydd eisoes wedi’u hordeinio ac yn galluogi gweinidogaethau lleyg wrth i bobl gynnig eu rhoddion a’u talentau i gyflawni’r gwaith o adeiladu teyrnas Dduw.

At a time when the Church is greatly challenged about its future and the viability of our present structures, I see last week’s ordinations as a down-payment of hope that God isn’t finished with us yet: indeed, that he has great plans for us.

Ar adeg pan mae’r Eglwys yn wynebu heriau mawr ynghylch ei dyfodol a hyfywdra’i strwythurau presennol, rwy’n gweld yr ordeinio’r wythnos ddiwethaf fel blaendal o’r gobaith nad yw Duw wedi gorffen gyda ni eto: yn wir, fod ganddo gynlluniau mawr ar ein cyfer.

Sunday reflection – Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Dear all

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” St Matthew 11: 28 – end.

“He felt “feeble” and “lopsided”. It had shown him that vulnerability was part of it and not separate.” The writer Rhidian Brook, quoting Michael Rosen.

As a trained singer, I have often performed the solos from Handel’s “Messiah” – sometimes, with mum playing the accompaniment! – of which these words from Jesus form a part. Whenever I read them, I’m reminded not only of that glorious oratorio, but also of my father telling me how a yoke could be easy. With dad growing up in Abercannaid and mum being evacuated to a farm as a young child, both of my parents could remember milkmaids carrying full, heavy pails on a yoke made specifically for them. I remember Dad explaining that not a drop was lost because it fitted their shoulders so well that they could carry the load easily whilst other milkmaids had an ill-fitting yoke which gave them sores or made them lopsided. They were unable to bear the burden so well and so some of the precious milk was lost.

Jesus urges those who will listen to him to take his yoke, telling them that it is easy and they will find their burden light. That doesn’t mean that what they carry IS light – just that a well-fitting yoke will enable a greater weight to be safely carried. Jesus’ whole life showed that, although even he found the burden too much to bear and fell under the weight of what he was made to carry to the cross. Even Jesus needed a helping hand and Simon of Cyrene provided it, albeit reluctantly. Describing himself in St Matthew’s words as “gentle and humble in heart”, Jesus nevertheless faced and endured terrible suffering at the hands of those who opposed him – yet that gentleness proved to be invincible! For Jesus, vulnerability was part of his strength and not a weakness.

Today, vulnerability can still sometimes be seen as a weakness and those people described as such have been asked to shield themselves by staying at home during the ongoing pandemic. It’s also been a factor for those coming off ventilators, as in the case of the children’s writer Michael Rosen who had been dependent on one for seven weeks. It was feared that he wouldn’t survive at all but the intervention and skill of the NHS staff caring for him meant that he was put into an induced coma so that their treatment and support could help his body bear what he was facing. Although the after effects of Covid-19 have left him feeling feeble, lopsided and vulnerable, Michael Rosen is still alive where so many are not, although he still faces many challenges ahead – as do we all.

For its 60th birthday, Rosen had written a poem called ‘These are the hands’ which celebrated the hard work and team effort of all those who work in the NHS. He could not have known then that, 12 years later, he would be in such need of it himself and his poem was reissued in a musical version while he, the medical staff and his family were fighting for his life in May. That can be found on YouTube but the original follows, as a tribute to the NHS staff, carers and key workers as well as all those who help others bear whatever burdens they face or who have much to handle today.

Today – virtually, or from a social distance! – can you give or receive a helping hand, so that a burden can be eased and hope renewed?

With my prayers,


These are the hands

These are the hands

That touch us first

Feel your head

Find the pulse

And make your bed.

These are the hands

That tap your back

Test the skin

Hold your arm

Wheel the bin

Change the bulb

Fix the drip

Pour the jug

Replace your hip.

These are the hands

That fill the bath

Mop the floor

Flick the switch

Soothe the sore

Burn the swabs

Give us a jab

Throw out sharps

Design the lab.

And these are the hands

That stop the leaks

Empty the pan

Wipe the pipes

Carry the can

Clamp the veins

Make the cast

Log the dose

And touch us last.

Michael Rosen.

The Diocesan Prayer for the week

Ever-present God;

In all the difficulties we encounter, the joys we experience, or the pains we bear,

show us how we can learn and grow through every situation.

We pray that we may not lose heart,

nor forget the treasures we can find even in the hardest times.

For this world that we pass through is the one you love;

and in your love, nothing is lost or wasted. Amen.

(Canon Carol Wardman)




for Thursday, 2nd July, 2020


ar gyfer dydd Iau, 2 Gorffennaf 2020

I think that we’ve all been surprised by the lockdown. When it began in mid-March, we were uncertain how long it would last, but it looked like a period of time with a definite start and a definite finish. One day the danger of the virus would be past, and we would resume life. Now we’re learning that the lockdown is going to be lifted step by step – rather like treading one’s way across a treacherous frozen lake, we’re having to test the ice ahead to see if it will bear us – whether this step can be taken safely, or whether we shall have to retreat if the virus surges once again.

Dwy’n meddwl ein bod ni i gyd wedi cael ein rhyfeddu gan y cyfnod clo. Pan ddechreuodd ganol Mawrth, doedden ni ddim yn sicr am faint y byddai’n parhau, ond roedd yn edrych y byddai’n gyfnod go hir, gyda dechrau pendant a gorffen pendant. Un diwrnod, byddai perygl y feirws y tu ôl i ni a ninnau’n ail gydio yn ein bywydau. Erbyn hyn, rydyn ni’n deall y daw’r cyfnod clo i ben gam wrth gam – rhywbeth yn debyg i droedio’n ofalus ar draws rhew twyllodrus ar lyn, mae’n rhaid i bob cam newydd fod yn ysgafn i ddechrau rhag ofn na fydd y rhew yn ein dal – a yw’n ddiogel cymryd y cam yma neu a fydd yn rhaid i ni gamu’n ôl os bydd y feirws yn codi ei ben eto.

So the rules change; in England one day the schools are returning, the next day they’re not. The rules in Wales are different from the rules in England. Is it two metres distance we must maintain, or one plus? One plus what? We can travel five miles – or more, if there’s good reason, but what would a good reason look like? Garden centres were amongst the first to open, barbers and hairdressers are taking bookings, but can they open yet? I must admit I’ve begun to get confused.

Felly, mae’r rheolau’n newid, yn Lloegr, un diwrnod mae’r ysgolion yn agor, y diwrnod nesaf maen nhw’n cau. Mae’r rheolau yng Nghymru’n wahaol i’r rhai yn Lloegr. Ai dwy fetr yw’r pellter y dylen ni gadw oddi wrth ein gilydd neu un plws? Un plws beth? Fe allwn ni deithio pum milltir, neu ymhellach os oes yna reswm da, ond sut beth yw rheswm da? Roedd canolfannau garddio ymysg y cyntaf i agor, mae barbwyr a thrinwyr gwallt yn cymryd archebion, ond a ydyn nhw’n cael agor eto? Mae’n rhaid i mi gyfaddef fy mod i’n dechrau cael fy nrysu.

Even the rules for the churches are changing frequently. One week we’re open for private prayer, but it looks as if the resumption of weddings are on their way, and new announcements are in the pipeline. The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in our local churches for all God’s people seems a way off yet however.

Mae hyd yn oed y rheolau ar gyfer eglwysi’n newid yn aml. Un wythnos rydyn ni ar agor ar gyfer gweddïo’n breifat, ac y mae’n ymddangos y bydd priodasau’n cael eu cynnal cyn bo hir, a bod cyhoeddiadau newydd ar ei ffordd. Ond, mae’n ymddangos na fyddwn ni’n cael dathlu’r Ewcharist i holl bobl Dduw yn ein eglwysi lleol am sbel go lew eto.

We’re going to have to learn the rules of loosening lockdown, and live by them. However, the situation has become complicated, and the united front of commitment and resilience is under pressure. The beaches have become too appealing for some, the chance to renew friendships is too attractive for others, and yet many, if not most have become more cautious, we’ve learned to dance around the supermarket, weaving to preserve the two metre rule.

Bydd yn rhaid i ni ddysgu rheolau llacio’r cyfnod clo, a byw efo nhw. Ond, mae’r sefyllfa wedi dod yn gymhleth a’r ymrwymiad a’r cadernid unedig o dan bwysau. Aeth atyniad y traethau’n drech na rhai, denwyd rhai eraill gan y cyfle i adnewyddu cyfeillgarwch ac eto, mae llawer, os nad y rhan fwyaf, wedi dod yn fwy gofalus, rydyn ni wedi dysgu troedio’n ysgafn o gwmpas yr archfarchnad, gan droelli i gadw’r rheol dwy fetr.

What are the loosening lockdown rules of faith that apply in these times? How does God call upon us to relate to one another? Here are just three that are close to the top of my list.

Pa lacio ar reolau ffydd sydd yna yn y cyfnod clo? Sut mae Duw’n galw arnom ni i wneud efo’n gilydd? Dyma ddim ond tri o’r pethau sy’n agos at frig fy rhestr.

Compassion. I’ve written before about the way in which we’ve put the vulnerable in the centre of our society at this time. Our churches have done humble but important things well in these days – checking up on the shielded, delivering medicines, cooking and delivering meals, ensuring support. As we loosen lockdown, how can we remain compassionate, and as the business of life resumes, how do we find the space for others? “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful”, said Jesus (Luke 6.36), and this is one of the chief marks of a loving Christian community.

Trugaredd Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu o’r blaen ynghylch sut rydyn ni wedi rhoi pobl fregus yng nghanol ein cymdeithas yr adeg yma. Mae ein heglwysi wedi gwneud pethau eithaf wylaidd ond go bwysig hefyd y dyddiau hyn – cadw llygad ar y rhai sy’n ynysu, danfon meddyginiaethau, coginio a danfon prydau, sicrhau cefnogaeth. Wrth i ni lacio’r cyfnod clo, sut allwn ni ddal i fod yn dosturiol, ac wrth i ni ail gydio ym manion bywyd bob dydd, sut allwn ni gadw’r lle i bobl eraill? “Byddwch yn drugarog, fel y mae eich Tad yn drugarog” meddai Iesu (Luc 6.36) a dyma un o’r pethau pwysicaf sy’n dangos cymuned Gristionogol ofalgar.

Collaboration. One of the phrases I’ve heard frequently is that “We’re in this together”, but it has, it seems to me, become far more than words. We’ve been learning to co-operate. The things that we’ve done, the things that we’ve achieved, have often been because, like the Body of Christ, we’ve acted as a body. Too often we can make Christianity a religion of private faith: my prayers, my faith, my salvation. Yet there’s always a corporate dimension – it is when two or three are gathered that Christ is among us, and together we can do more. I hope that we’ll invest in the Church, as lockdown loosens. “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2.22) What a vision for the Teulu Asaph, that God should at home among us.

Cydweithio Un o’r dywediadau rwy’n eu clywed yn aml yw “Rydyn ni i gyd yn hyn gyda’n gilydd”, ond mae hynny, mae’n ymddangos i mi, wedi dod yn fwy na geiriau. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu cydweithredu. Mae’r pethau rydyn ni wedi’u gwneud, ein llwyddiannau, wedi digwydd oherwydd ein bod ni, fel Corff Crist ,wedi gweithredu fel un corff. Rydyn ni’n gallu gwneud Cristionogaeth, yn rhy aml, yn ffydd breifat: fy ngweddïau, fy ffydd, fy iachawdwriaeth. Eto, mae yna ddimensiwn corfforaethol bob tro – pan mae dau neu dri wedi ymgynnull, dyna pryd y daw Crist i’n plith, a gyda’n gilydd, gallwn wneud mwy. Rwy’n gobeithio y byddwn ni’n buddsoddi yn yr Eglwys wrth i’r cyfnod clo lacio. “Ynddo ef yr ydych chwithau hefyd yn cael eich cydadeiladu i fod yn breswylfod i Dduw yn yr Ysbryd.” (Effesiaid 2.22). Dyna weledigaeth i Deulu Asaph, bod Duw gartref yn ein plith.

Courage. I’ve been amazed by the way that the Church family has been bold in facing the future. We’ve not put off decisions on finance, co-operation and evangelism. We’ve not abandoned worship or mission, as if these can wait for the future. And this commitment must continue, indeed, this must be accelerated as the lockdown loosens: what new things is Christ calling us to? “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed” God urged Joshua as he took over from Moses (Joshua 1.9), and I am sure that God speaks the same words to us today.

Dewrder. Rwyf wedi rhyfeddu pa mor ddewr mae teulu’r Eglwys wedi bod wrth wynebu’r dyfodol. Dydyn ni ddim wedi gohirio penderfyniadau ariannol, ar gydweithredu nac ar efengylu. Dydyn ni ddim wedi troi cefn ar addoli na chenhadu, fel petai’r rhain yn gallu aros tan yn nes ymlaen. Ac mae’n rhaid i’r ymrwymiad hwn barhau, yn wir bydd yn rhaid iddo gynyddu wrth i’r cyfnod clo lacio: at ba bethau newydd y mae Crist yn ein galw ni? “bydd wrol a dewr, paid ag arswydo na dychryn” oedd anogaeth Duw i Joshua wrth iddo gymryd yr awenau oddi wrth Moses (Joshua 1:9) ac rwy’n siŵr mai dyma eiriau Duw i ni heddiw hefyd.

These are big words – and yet I think it’s fair to say that they have already been true of us over the last three months. May they also be watchwords for our future: rules for loosening lockdown, and being faithful to Christ.

Mae’r rhain yn eiriau mawr – ac eto rwy’n credu ei bod yn deg dweud eu bod eisoes wedi dod yn wir i ni yn ystod y tri mis diwethaf. Bydded iddyn nhw hefyd fod yn arwyddair i’n dyfodol ninnau hefyd: rheolau ar gyfer llacio’r cyfnod clo, a bod yn ffyddlon i Grist.

Teulu Asaph Circle of Prayer

Teulu Asaph Cycle of Prayer: Text

– July 2020

During this time of restricted social interaction churches are developing new ways of being church. Below is the text from the Teulu Asaph Cycle of Prayer which can be cut and pasted into leaflets produced by the local church. This is in addition to the pdf version of the Teulu Asaph Cycle of Prayer which is ready formatted for printing duplex on A4.

This month we pray for Gregory, our Bishop; Andy, Archdeacon of St. Asaph;

for the Aled Mission Area, and Clive Myers MA Leader

The Aled Mission Area is a worshipping community that is urban, rural and coastal. There are 17 churches serving the Mission Area, which stretches along the coastline between Rhos on Sea to Pensarn and inland as far as the villages of Bryn y Maen and Llansannan, bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who we serve.

More details can be found on our developing MA website: aledmissionarea.org

Information about all the Mission Areas can be found online at https://churchnearme.co.uk

1st – Wednesday – Euddogwy (6th c.), Bishop

Diocese of North Eastern Caribbean & Aruba (West Indies) – L. Errol Brooks, Bishop

Diocese of Attooch (South Sudan) – Moses Anur Ayom, Bishop

Aled MA; Clive Myers, newly appointed MA Leader, Buzz Squires and Huw Lloyd, MA Wardens.

Give thanks for the dedication and commitment of our lay leaders

Pray for those who are isolated, lonely or feeling vulnerable

2nd – Thursday

Diocese of North Karamoja (Uganda) – James Nasak, Bishop

Diocese of Auckland (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) – Ross Bay, Bishop

Diocese of Magwi (South Sudan) – Ogeno Charles Opoka, Bishop

Give thanks for all who serve on the Mission Area Conference and our Mission Area Executive

Pray for those who have experienced Domestic Violence during the pandemic

3rd – Friday- Thomas, Apostle

Diocese of North Kigezi (Uganda) – Benon Magezi, Bishop

Diocese of Aweil (South Sudan) – Abraham Yel Nhial, Bishop

Give thanks for the work of the Buildings’ Committee

Pray for all suffering with mental health issues, that they can access appropriate support

4th – Saturday – Peblig (4th C.), Abbot

Diocese of North Mbale (Uganda) – Samuel Gidudu , Bishop

Diocese of Awerial (South Sudan) – David Akau Kuol Mayom , Bishop

Diocese of Kadugli & Nuba Mountains (Sudan) – Andudu Adam Elnail, Bishop

Give thanks for the work of church treasurers, especially in these challenging financial times.

Pray for Bishop Gregory and those he is making Deacon today:

George Bearwood, who will serve in Alyn Mission Area; Luke Bristowe, who will serve his curacy at the Hope Street project in Wrexham; Helen Dawson, who will

serve in Borderlands Mission Area; Toby Jones, who will serve in Pool Mission Area; Gregor Lachlann-Waddell, who will serve in Bryn a Môr Mission Area; Ben Lines, who will serve in Aberconwy Mission Area; Jo Mackriell, who will serve in Wrexham Mission Area; James Thompson, who will serve in Pool Mission Area; and Gail Woodward, who will serve in Borderlands Mission Area

5th – Sunday – Pentecost 5: Trinity 4 – (Proper 9)

Pray for the United Church of Pakistan: Humphrey Peters – Bishop of Peshawar & Moderator of the Church of Pakistan

Give thanks for the Shared Ministry Team, meeting virtually twice a week, and that through Zoom it has been strengthened and become closer as a team

Give thanks on this day for the NHS as it celebrates its 72nd birthday and for all who have helped with the Covid19 Crisis.

6th – Monday – Thomas More (1535), Martyr

Diocese of North Queensland (Australia) – Keith Ronald Joseph, Bishop

Diocese of Awgu / Aninri (Nigeria) – Emmaunuel Ugwu, Bishop. Diocese of Kaduna (Nigeria) – Timothy Yahaya, Bishop

For the Shared Ministry Team and especially the people of Llandrillo yn Rhos as we await the appointment of a priest, rooted in the Rhos on Sea churches

Pray for strength and inspiration in the challenges ahead, as we look to the future.

Pray for those who will be ordained to the Presbyterate later this year: Gareth Erlandson, who will serve in the Borderlands Mission Area; Sally Harper, who will serve in the Elwy Mission Area; Simon Piercy, who will serve in the Alyn Mission Area; Christopher Spencer, who will serve in the Aber-Morfa Mission Area; Sue Storey, who will serve in the Aled Mission Area; Carol Thomas, who will serve in the Denbigh Mission Area; James Tout, who will serve in the Wrexham Mission Area

7th – Tuesday

Diocese of North West Australia (Australia) – Gary Nelson, Bishop.

Diocese of Awka (Nigeria) – Alexander Ibezim, Bishop

Diocese of Kafanchan (Nigeria) – Marcus Dogo, Bishop

Give thanks for the people of St George’s Church Rhos on Sea and St Trillo’s

Pray for new and creative ways to proclaim the Gospel across our Mission Areas

8th – Wednesday

Diocese of Northern Argentina (South America) – Nicholas James Quested Drayson, Bishop

Diocese of Awori (Nigeria) – J Akin Atere, Bishop

Give thanks for St Trillo’s Chapel, that it may again be the sacred place of pilgrimage and prayer it was before lock-down.

Pray the online-presence churches have found can be maintained, as well as a physical one

9th – Thursday

Diocese of Northern California (Episcopal Church, USA) – Barry Beisner, Bishop

Diocese of Badagry (Nigeria) – Joseph Adeyemi, Bishop

Diocese of Ballarat (Australia) – Garry Weatherill, Bishop

Give thanks for those from St Paul’s, Colwyn Bay who are helping the congregation stay together by post, phone-trees, Zoom and telephone-worship.

Pray for new ways to interact with our Coastal Communities

10th – Friday

Diocese of Northern Indiana (Episcopal Church, USA) – Douglas Sparks, Bishop

Diocese of Bangor (Wales) – Andrew John, Bishop

Give thanks for the small, dedicated Welsh speaking community at Eglwys Dewi Sant, Colwyn Bay

Pray for our Rural Communities

11th – Saturday – Benedict (c.540), Abbot

Diocese of Northern Luzon (Philippines) – Hilary Ayban Pasikan, Bishop. Diocese of Banks & Torres (Melanesia) – Alfred Patterson Worek, Bishop

Diocese of Kagera (Tanzania) – Darlington Bendankeha, Bishop

Give thanks for the Cathedral of the Hills, Christ Church, Bryn y Maen – hoping that those who find solace here will soon do so again.

Pray that we seize the opportunity these new circumstances bring, to grow and reach out to people in our communities

12th – Sunday – Pentecost 6: Trinity 5 – (Proper 10)

Pray for the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea: Allan Migi – Archbishop of Papua New Guinea

Give thanks that more people from St Catherine and St John’s, Old Colwyn are venturing onto Zoom and other forms of media to ensure continued worship.

Pray that we will continue to be enthused as we seek new patterns of worship

13th – Monday

Diocese of Kajiado (Kenya) – Gadiel Katanga Lenini, Bishop. Diocese of Kajo-Keji (South Sudan) – Emmanuel Murye Modi, Bishop. Diocese of Kamango (Congo) – Sabiti Tibafa Daniel, Bishop

Give thanks for the people of Llanelian, for Ysgol y Plas VA School and the continuing development of its relationship with St Elian’s Church.

Pray that we will develop a clear vision and strategies for the future in our Mission Areas

14th – Tuesday – John Keeble (1886), Priest & Teacher

Diocese of Northern Malawi (Central Africa) – Fanuel Emmanuel Magangani, Bishop. Diocese of Barbados (West Indies) Michael Maxwell, Bishop

Diocese of Kampala (Uganda) -Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba (Primate), Bishop

Give thanks for St Michael’s Church, Ysgol Betws yn Rhos and a small but faithful community of believers in the community of Betws yn Rhos

Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we seek to do

15th – Wednesday

Diocese of Northern Mexico (Mexico) -Francisco Moreno (Primate), Bishop

Diocese of Bari (Nigeria) – Idris Zubairu, Bishop

Give thanks for the community of St Cynbryd’s, Llanddulas and the staff and pupils of Ysgol Llanddulas

Pray that we can spend as much time listening to God as talking to him

16th – Thursday

Diocese of Northern Michigan (Episcopal Church, USA) – Rayford Ray, Bishop

Diocese of Barisal (Bangladesh) – Shourabh Pholia , Bishop

Diocese of Barrackpore (North India) – Paritosh Canning, Bishop

Give thanks for St Cynfran’s Church, Llysfaen

Pray for people to find the good things that are in creation

17th – Friday

Diocese of Northern Philippines (Philippines) – Brent Alawas, Bishop

Diocese of Bath & Wells (England) – Peter Hancock, Bishop

Give thanks for St Sannan’s Church and the vibrant community in Llansannan

Pray our church buildings will be places of welcome again

18th – Saturday – Elizabeth of Russia (1918), Religious & Martyr

Diocese of Northern Territory, The (Australia) – Dr Greg Anderson, Bishop. Diocese of Bathurst (Australia) – Mark Calder, Bishop. Diocese of Kano (Nigeria) – Zakka Nyam, Bishop

Give thanks for those who normally visit St Digain’s Church, Llangernyw

Pray that we will continue to be the Church in the World

19th – Sunday – Pentecost 7: Trinity 6 – (Proper 11)

Pray for Episcopal Church, USA in the Philippines: Joel Atiwag Pachao – Prime Bishop of the Philippines

Give thanks for the people of St Mary’s Church, Llanfairtalhaiarn and the extensive reordering project to make the church more welcoming for community use

Pray for openness and cooperation within Mission Areas as we move forward

20th – Monday

Diocese of Northern Uganda (Uganda) – Johnson Gakumba, Bishop

Diocese of Bauchi (Nigeria) – Musa Tula, Bishop

Diocese of Kansas (Episcopal Church, USA) – Cathleen Bascom, Bishop

Give thanks for the people of St Michael’s Church, Abergele and for the care and concern shown for each other during lockdown

Pray for growth within our Church communities

21st – Tuesday – Howell Harris (1773), Preacher

Diocese of Northern Zambia (Central Africa) -Albert Chama, Archbishop. Diocese of Belize (West Indies) – Philip Wright, Bishop. Diocese of Kanyakumari (South India) – Dr A R Chelliah, Bishop

Give thanks that Canolfan Dewi Sant, Pensarn, is a Hub-for-Scrubs at this time

Pray for ways to encourage new Christians, through Explorer Courses

22nd – Wednesday – Mary Magdalene

Diocese of Northwest Ankole (Uganda) – Amos Magezi, Bishop.

Diocese of Bendigo (Australia) – Matt Brain, Bishop

Give thanks for the people of St George’s Church and for the staff and pupils of Ysgol St George, praying for them and their families during this challenging time.

Pray for our Mission Areas as we seek to engage in active discussion about the future life of Mission Areas

23rd – Thursday – Bridget of Sweden (1373), Abbess

Diocese of Northwest Texas (Episcopal Church, USA) – Scott Mayer, Bishop

Diocese of Benin (Nigeria) – Peter Imasuen, Bishop

Diocese of Bermuda (Bermuda) – Nicholas Dill, Bishop

Give thanks for our five Messy Churches and two Express Churches and the way we have kept in contact with the families

Pray we can move away from being Church-goers, to being more fully followers-of-Jesus

24th – Friday

Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania (Episcopal Church, USA) – Sean Rowe, Bishop

Diocese of Bethlehem (Episcopal Church, USA) – Kevin Nichols, Bishop

Give thanks for our retired clergy and their ministry

Pray we can move away from being loyal to A Church, to being ambitious for The Church

25th – Saturday – James, Apostle

Diocese of Norwich (England) – Graham James, Bishop

Diocese of Bhopal (North India) – Manoj Charan, Bishop

Diocese of Kapoeta (South Sudan) – Isaac Deu Chol, Bishop

Give thanks for the Covid19 Emergency Food Bank in Old Colwyn, the Foodshare in Abergele, The Kind Bay Initiative in Colwyn Bay, the Conwy Food Bank, for the generosity of those who donate to the food banks and for all the volunteers, working hard to make sure people do not go hungry

Pray we can move away from guarding our patch, to enabling new life in others

26th – Sunday – Pentecost 8: Trinity 7 – (Proper 12)

Please pray for the team responsible for preparing the Lambeth Conference, which was due to be taking place now – please pray for them as they consider the implications of its postponement in light of the Covid-19 pandemic

Give thanks for the fellowship that is found in ‘Singing for Fun’, ‘Tea Together’, ‘Cuppa and Chat’, ‘The Kind Bay Initiative’ and pray that these, and other activities, will be able to resume again

Pray we can move away from being led, to sharing in leadership

27th – Monday – Martha & Mary of Bethany

Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island (Canada) – Ronald Wayne Cutler), Bishop

Diocese of Bida (Nigeria) – Jonah Kolo, Bishop

Diocese of Karachi (Pakistan) – Sadiq Daniel, Bishop

Give thanks for all Primary and Secondary schools in Aled, especially for the Head teachers, staff and pupils, as they prepare for the new academic year in schools and online

Pray we can move away from looking inwards to active outreach and service

28th – Tuesday – Samson (5th C.), Bishop

Diocese of Nsukka (Nigeria) – Aloysius Agbo, Bishop

Diocese of Biharamulo (Tanzania) – Yusuph Vithalis, Bishop

Diocese of Karamoja (Uganda) – Joseph Abura, Bishop

Give thanks for all who work in our hospitals and who put their own lives at risk to care for others

Pray for those who mourn but are unable to grieve properly at this time

29th – Wednesday – William Wilberforce (1833), Josephine Butler (1906) and all Social Reformers

Diocese of Nyahururu (Kenya) – Stephen Kabora, Bishop

Diocese of Birmingham (England) – David Andrew Urquhart, Bishop

Give thanks for all who work within our residential homes and pray for the residents

Pray for those couples who have had to postpone weddings

30th – Thursday- Silas, Missionary

Diocese of Nzara (South Sudan) – Richard Bbikoyesu Aquilla, Bishop

Diocese of Blackburn (England) – Julian Tudor Henderson, Bishop

Diocese of Bo (Sierra Leone) (West Africa) – Solomon Leonard Scott-Manga, Bishop

Give thanks for the work of Cytun and the unity we have between churches and chapels of all denominations

Pray for families and children waiting to be baptised

31st – Friday – Joseph of Arimathea or Ignatius of Loyola (1556), founder of the Society of Jesus.

Diocese of Missionary District of Oeste-Brasil (Brazil) – Naudal Alves Gomes (Primate) , Bishop

Diocese of Boga (Congo) – Mugenyi William Bahemuka, Bishop

Diocese of Port Elizabeth (Southern Africa) – Edward Ronald Daniels, Bishop

Give thanks for the technology available that has enabled the Aled Mission Area to deliver a wide range of worship during Covid19

Pray for wisdom in all that we say and do

Sunday reflection

Third Sunday after Trinity
“Anyone who gives even a drink of cold water to one of the least of these….. will certainly receive a reward! “ Matthew 10:40-42, Good News Bible.

“In the past two days, with the confidence he has gained from this experience, he has tried to stand up and take a step unaided – this will be his next challenge.” The adoptive father of Tony Hudgell, aged 5.
When I was a prison chaplain, I was frequently reminded of how important small things could be in daily life when each day was very similar. A good book to read, matchstick models to make or a jigsaw puzzle to complete could really help a prisoner pass the time without getting so bored that trouble was likely. Having been on the wing when a riot broke out and being locked by the Senior Officer into a cell with a murderer (now reformed, thankfully!) for safety’s sake gave me a good insight into the wisdom of prisoners having something to occupy them. There were those who really appreciated having things to do although others would tear out pages from the book or remove the picture on all the jigsaw pieces and return a box of shapes so that it was useless. Nevertheless, the chaplaincy kept on giving out these things in the hope that some would benefit – and some did! Others did not and the consequences of restrictions and unresolved mental health issues have also, sadly, been seen this week in a Glaswegian hotel used for housing about 100 asylum seekers during the pandemic. Those concerns have been issues for some in lockdown, too, with a good daily routine and varied tasks to occupy mind and body being recommended for improving mental and physical health as the days pass in isolation or restriction.
It’s the case, too, with Tony Tudgwell, the brave boy who’s raised over a million pounds for the Evelina children’s hospital by walking 10k a day on crutches and prosthetic legs. His own had to be amputated when he was 41 days old due to terrible abuse inflicted by his birth parents and Tony was inspired by the efforts of Captain Tom, who raised over £30 million by walking in his garden. I was struck by the two extremes: a veteran now aged 100 and a young boy of 5, each doing something to help others when their ages and circumstances might have meant that they expected help from others. It was because they’d received that help in the past that they now wanted to say thank you and raise funds for the benefit of others. They are examples of some of the amazing things that have happened amidst the terrible suffering of the ongoing pandemic and part of the reward for both Tom and Tony has been the improvement in their own health as well as the financial support their efforts have received from those who admire their endeavour, courage and perseverance, simply by doing what they could: walking.
In the Gospel reading today, Jesus speaks of the reward of doing what can be done, even just by giving a drink of cold water to those who need it. Today, his words have to be seen in the light of the Covid-19 guidance and the water would have to be given and received in a safe way – but the crowds flocking to the beaches or wanting to celebrate Liverpool winning the Premier League title this week seem to have forgotten some of the restrictions still necessary as we begin to emerge from lockdown. Ministers and the NHS are said to be preparing for an increase in cases as risk is still present despite restrictions easing still further. As Captain Tom and Tony showed, we will also need endeavour, courage and perseverance as we face whatever lies ahead – but concentrating on the needs of others as well as ourselves and doing the simple things we can, rather than can’t, do in the situation could make a big difference, as they did. 
Having made a difference for others as well as himself by raising such an astonishing amount of money for one so young, Tony’s adoptive dad says that taking a step unaided will be his next challenge. What will ours be?
Diocesan prayer of the week
Please pray for all in the prison, probation and asylum systems, where tensions continue to rise due to the Coronavirus pandemic – CB.
God our Saviour, we give thanks for freedom to express our beliefs, choose our path in life and participate in our communities. Open our eyes and hearts to the plight of all who do not, through law or circumstances, enjoy such liberty; but suffer persecution, abuse and oppression. Strengthen all efforts to overcome these persistent evils, that the whole human race may come to know and experience your loving care and perfect will. 
Amen.  (Canon Carol Wardman)
With my prayers,

Update 26th June 2020 – St Melangell’s Church is reopening for private (personal) prayer today

Update 26th June 2020

We are happy to announce that we have reopened today for private (personal) prayer. 

Please note that we have taken a cautious approach and you will need to adhere to the restrictions we have placed if you wish to visit at this time.

Please follow the signs and any instructions given by staff or volunteers and check the government advice before travelling. Current advice is to ‘stay local’.

Thank you.


Weddings and Funerals Update June 25

Weddings and Funerals
Update June 25
Following the re-opening of various Church in Wales churches for private prayer from Monday 22 June, the Bishops of the Church in Wales thank all clergy and volunteers who have made such re-opening possible in a responsible and safe manner.

Subject to any updated guidance from Welsh Government, we hope to permit those churches with the resources to manage re-opening safely to do so for funerals and weddings from Monday 6 July. Such events will be subject to strict regulation in respect of numbers, physical distancing and hygiene. The Representative Body will issue further guidance on this during the course of next week. We reiterate that no church will be required to open, and that no clergy should feel pressured to do so at this time.

We await further news as to when church buildings in Wales may be able to re-open for regular services of public worship and continue to liaise with Welsh Government closely in preparation for this.
