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Mae ein gwefan Gymraeg i’w gweld yma .
Diocesan Daily Prayer for Ash Wednesday and Lent
Dduw Sanctaidd, Greawdwr pawb,
mae’r cread cyfan yn tystio i’th obaith;
wrth i’r tymhorau newid,
daw egin bywyd newydd
o bopeth a gwympodd.
Iesu Sanctaidd, Waredwr pawb,
mae dy freichiau ar led i gynnig gobaith i
bawb sy’n baglu
trwy dreialon y byd hwn;
dechreuadau newydd i gael hyd i ffordd trwy
bopeth sydd wedi torri.
Ysbryd Sanctaidd, Gynhaliwr pawb,
rwyt ti yn ein harwain â gobaith mewn
teyrnas sy’n ehangu’n barhaus;
boed i ni ddod yn lampau dy obaith
wrth i ni geisio rhannu
cariad di-drai Duw
yn Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd. Amen
Holy God, Creator of all,
your hope is written into all creation;
as seasons change,
new life springs afresh
from all that is fallen.
Holy Jesus, Redeemer of all,
your outstretched arms offer hope
to all who stumble
through this world’s trials;
fresh starts to find a way
through all that’s broken.
Holy Spirit, Sustainer of all,
you lead us with hope
in a kingdom that’s ever-expanding;
may we become beacons of your hope
as we seek to share
the unquenchable love of God
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
March is traditionally the time for spring cleaning as lighter and warmer days begin to prevail over the chill of winter. Due to the lack of sunshine during winter, human bodies produce a large quantity of melatonin, which tends to make people sleepier and therefore less active. Once the weather improves, the wood or coal fires burning in the days before central heating would have created a large amount of soot and grime in every room and this would be more visible as the daylight improved. So, spring cleaning became customary as houses were cleaned from top to bottom and fresher air became possible – however, some people think that there may be a religious aspect to this, too.
In Judaism, there is an ancient custom of cleaning the house thoroughly in preparation for the feast of Passover which occurs in the spring. All leavened bread, which contained yeast, would have to be removed and avoided completely, with homes being thoroughly cleaned and a search for any crumbs also taking place the night before the feast. This dates right back to the Exodus in the thirteenth century BC under the leadership of Moses when, in their haste to leave, the Israelites did not have time for their bread to rise and so used unleavened bread. That became a dietary requirement in Exodus 12:14, where Jews were told, ‘…in all your dwelling places you shall eat unleavened bread’ and it remains the custom today.
Thorough cleaning has also become part of the tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church, which encourages spring cleaning in Lent on the day known as Clean Monday, and, for Christians, the whole of the forty days of Lent has become a time for taking stock physically and spiritually. Just as places, minds and habits are cleansed, so it has also become customary for churches to strip the altar and church on Maundy Thursday, with traditional cleaning and decoration on Easter Eve – the date of Easter is linked to that of Passover as were some of the customs.
Having a good spring clean, tidy up or declutter can be helpful for peace of mind as well as finding useful items – dirty and messy surroundings can be difficult to process. Whatever the reason and whatever the situations being faced, perhaps a good spring clean may help matters – and may God bless whatever mess we need to address!
Sunday before Lent, 2nd March, 3pm: Service of reflection to mark St David’s Day and Transfiguration Sunday.
Monday 3rd March, 10am – 4pm: Spring Cleaning at the church and centre. All welcome!
Ash Wednesday, 5th March, 10an: Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes. Please note that, due to this, there will be no Holy Eucharist on Thursday 6th March.
First Sunday of Lent, 9th March, 3pm: Service of reflection.
Thursday 13th March, noon: Holy Eucharist.
Second Sunday of Lent, 16th March, 3pm: Service of reflection.
Thursday 20th March, noon: Holy Eucharist.
Third Sunday of Lent, 23rd March, 3pm: Holy Eucharist.
Thursday 27th March, noon: Holy Eucharist.
Fourth Sunday of Lent, 30th March, 3pm: Service of reflection for Mothering Sunday.
Monday 31st March, 10.30am: Julian Group at the centre.
For further details, or to book Shepherd’s Hut and the centre, please contact admin@stmelangell.org or ring 01691 860408.
With my prayers; pob bendith,
Christine, Priest Guardian.
For further information or to book the Shepherd’s Hut, please ring 01691 860408 or contact admin@stmelangell.org
If you need any help or support you can contact us here.