Lent Prayer
Today being Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, the Bishop of St Asaph invites you to join him in praying the Diocesan Lent prayer everyday at or near 6pm. Welsh and English versions follow. May Lent be a time of blessing as well as challenge.
Christine, Guardian
Gweddi Grawys Yr Esgobaeth 2024
Meithrin ein ffydd, Arglwydd,
wrth inni ddilyn esiampl Iesu,
yn sefyll ar graig ein
Yn seiliedig arno fo,
boed inni brofi bywyd yn ei lawnder,
a dwyn ffrwyth trawsnewidiol.
Rho lawenydd i’th Eglwys
a gogoniant i’th enw. Amen.
Diocesan Lent Prayer 2024
Grow our faith, Lord,
as we follow the example of Jesus,
standing on the rock of our salvation.
Founded on him,
may we know life in its fulness,
and bring forth transforming fruit.
Give joy to your Church
and glory to your name.