Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity and the Middle East. 

The Bishops of the Church in Wales have asked that this bilingual short Litany is prayed today and it seems appropriate for use tomorrow and this week, too, which marks a year since the renewed hostilities in the Middle East. Accordingly, it forms the reflection today and follows in both English and Welsh. 

Short Litany for the Peoples of Israel, Palestine and Lebanon

Thus says the LORD:
“A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping.
Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children,
because they are no more.” (Jeremiah 31.15)

God of Abraham, loving father of all the peoples of the Holy Land and the Middle East,

Hear the weeping of your children, and all those who suffer in the storm of violence

Initiated one year ago, and still experienced 

in the land which you blessed with the presence of your Son.

In your mercy, Lord,

Hear our cry.

We remember all those innocent people, the children and the elderly,

Whose deaths are tragic losses, and wounds to our humanity.

Comfort the bereaved without reference to borders,

Bring hope in the conflict and an ending in sight.

In your mercy, Lord,

Hear our cry.

Lead all people out of darkness into light,

Out of war and into peace,

Out of enmity and into reconciliation,

From a spirit of vengeance to a spirit of mercy.

In your mercy, Lord,

Hear our cry.

Litani Fer ar gyfer Pobloedd Israel, Palestina a Lebanon

Fel hyn y dywed yr ARGLWYDD:

Clywir llef yn Rama, galarnad ac wylofain,

Rachel yn wylo am ei phlantyn gwrthod ei chysuroam ei phlant,

oherwydd nad ydynt mwy.”

(Jeremeia 31:15)

Dduw Abraham, tad cariadus holl bobloedd y WladSanctaidd a’r Dwyrain Canol,

Clyw wylofain dy blant, a phawb sy’n dioddef yn y storm o drais

A ddechreuodd flwyddyn yn ôl, ac sy’n parhau i effeithio’r wlad a fendithiaist drwy bresenoldeb dy Fab.

Yn dy drugaredd, Arglwydd,

Clyw ein cri.

Cofiwn am yr holl bobl ddiniwed hynny, y plant a’rhenoed,

Y mae eu marwolaethau yn clwyfo’n dynoliaeth mewnmodd mor drasig.

Cysura’r galarus ar bob ochr i’r rhaniadau.

Tyrd â gobaith i ganol y gwrthdaro a thyrd â diweddglo i’rgolwg.

Yn dy drugaredd, Arglwydd,

Clyw ein cri.

Arwain yr holl bobl allan o dywyllwch i oleuni,

O ryfel i heddwch,

O elyniaeth i gymod,

O ysbryd dialedd i ysbryd trugaredd.

Yn dy drugaredd, Arglwydd,

Clyw ein cri.