Reflection for Michael and All Angels.

“Very truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending.” Jesus in John 1:47-51, today’s Gospel.

Michael, row the boat ashore. Hallelujah!’ Spiritual song from the American Civil War.

Today is the feast of St Michael and all angels, Michaelmas. His name means, ‘Who is 

like God?’ and Michael is regarded as the protector of Christians from the devil, particularly at their death, which is why he is the focus for the spiritual – often sung by slaves in the American Civil War – about crossing safely to the other side after life in this world ends. He is also the slayer of the dragon in the Revelation of St John and so Michael and his angels are a reminder that we also need to play our part in standing up to the power of evil, which is so much in evidence today – as is the power of love. 

Here at St Melangell’s, the Shrine has crockets on it – decorations that look like hooks and their particular shapes have been likened to the wings of angels. In this thin place, where heaven and earth do not seem far from each other, many folk have said that they find that a comfort in a place where the Bible speaks of the existence and involvement of angels as God’s intermediaries with humans. The word comes from the Greek angelos, meaning messenger, and some have also taken that interpretation in the name Melangell itself. It’s been suggested that the name may derive from mêl angel, honey or sweet angel, or mil angel, meaning a thousand angels. A pun in the register here in 1723 notes:

Mil engyl a Melangell trenchant lu fyddin y fall.

Melangell with a thousand angels triumphs over all the powers of evil. 

That was taken up by the Guardian, Evelyn Davies, who wrote the Prayer of Blessing from St Melangell’s Shrine. This Michaelmas, may her words still hearten and encourage us all to keep battling on at this time of such severe conflict and warfare in the world, knowing that we are not alone as we do and that the power of love and hope will eventually prevail:

May the love of God fill you with joy and peace.

May the healing power of Christ strengthen and save you.

May the Holy Spirit encourage you

And the compassion of St Melangell surround you.

May a thousand angels guide your steps

And a blessing from this holy place protect you all your days. Amen.

With my prayers; pob bendith,

Christine, Priest Guardian.