Third Sunday of Lent, 3rd March, 3pm – service of reflection also marking Dewi Sant.
Thurs 7th March, noon: Apologies, there is no Holy Eucharist today.
Mothering Sunday, 10th March, 3pm- service of reflection.
Thurs. 14th, noon: Holy Eucharist
Fifth of Lent, Passion Sunday 17th, 3pm: Holy Eucharist
Thurs. 21st, noon: Holy Eucharist
Palm Sunday, 24th, 3pm: service of reflection with distribution of palms.
Maundy Thursday 28th – 11am, Chrism Mass and blessing of the oils at the Cathedral
7pm: Commemoration of the Last Supper.
Good Friday, 29th: 10am, the Way of the Cross. 2pm: At the Cross
Easter Eve 30th – Church cleaning and Its decoration for Easter. 8pm, Vigil
Easter Day, 31st: Everyone at St Melangell’s wishes you a blessed Easter.6.30am: Dawn outdoor service followed by bacon butties in the Centre.
10am: Holy Eucharist.